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Fortnite Player Stats

Game of the moment, the battle royale created by Epic Games, Fortnite is a game with the possibility of playing alone, in a team, a duo where the last to survive of 100 players wins. The game is entirely free unless you want to buy equipment, weapons and skins for your player. With that in mind we had the idea of ​​creating a website Fortnite Player Stats where it is possible to monitor all the numbers of the game such as their matches, scores, deaths, history, small players, verified players among other things more you can see the statistics of your favorite players as mixership, Dakotaz.Fortnite Player Stats is a website that is not linked to Epic Games and yet we do our best to provide data from all playable platforms for Fortnite such as Playstation, Android, iOS, Nintendo Switch, XBox, PC and whatever else is out there.

Why Fortnite Player Stats?

The intenttion to create a website like a Fortnite Player Stats was to build something cool and generate data informative to players of Fortnite of all plataforms in realtime.


How it works?

Basically, in our website homepage on the top there are a search box, enter a username on Fortnite and click on the ok button and you will see all your stats in the Fortnite Game, history matches and others stuff. Then you can see the stats from everybody, your favorite player, your friends and lot more.


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It is very important for us to know how your experience with Fortnite Player Stats was, how you found us and suggestions on how we can continuously improve to meet your needs, so we would like to contact us on contact